In the ancient Castle of Edo a terrible revenge is about to wear out. A Goryo, a vengeful spirit, has just manifested himself in the rooms of the palace to be able to take revenge on a smear immediately in life by Shogun. Only the Samurai to guard the palace can prevent the misdeed by this obscure presence that will do everything in order to make a terrible revenge tailored to... cat! The lady Feliwara, once the favorite to the court of the Shogun, has in fact manifested itself in a persuasive feline form, so much was the love she felt in life for these creatures, but now she will do everything to take revenge, for example breaking all the precious objects of the palace! Goryo is a brilliant investigation game in which two players, one driving a cat spirit and the other of four valiant Samurai, are opposed to win a tight challenge between stealth paths, rapid investigations and broken objects... one paw at a time. The Goryo will have to secretly plan a path to follow between the rooms of the building to be able to break the various objects present and taking care to leave intact the type of object to which it is bound to manifest itself on the earthly world. The Samurai must instead chase and find the cat spirit during their steps, in order to understand what is the type of object to which the Goryo is bound and saving as many objects as possible in the meantime. A tight challenge that will lead you to reason on the possible moves of others, trying to divert your opponent every turn and in which it is enough a false step to lose a fought duel to the last. A secret planning game in which every move is verified on turn to ensure that even an evanescent Goryo must subject to the rules of the earthly world in which it manifests itself. Nothing can be left to chance, who will succeed in this race against the time and against the wrath of the Shogun? Goryo is a two-player investigative game published by GateOnGames.
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