Keep all your necessities on hand with the Time and Tru Women's Ainsley Bulk Clutch Wallet. This is the most functional wallet you will ever own. The front portion of the wallet has six clear ID windows for photos or cards. There are nine credit card slots, as well as another clear ID window. There is room for a checkbook, plus a loop for your pen. The wristlet strap allows for easy opening into a roomy compartment for currency, receipts and notes. There is an exterior back and front pockets to hold more of your personal necessities. Snap closure on the front to secure your things. Perfect for holding a phone, makeup or anything you may need for on the go. Attached wristlet makes sure you have it on hand. Features two side pockets and one zippered center pocket. Great for going to a party, club, or just running errands around town. Versatile and functional for everyday use.
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