Product Description Rachael Ray Nutrish Indoor Complete Chicken with Lentils & Salmon Recipe is a dry cat food blend made with simple, natural ingredients with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients to meet the dietary needs of indoor cats. This dry cat food includes real U.S. farm-raised chicken as the #1 ingredient, real salmon, wholesome lentils, and a unique Superfood Blend that’s packed with essential amino acids, vitamins, and minerals to help support your cat’s healthy lifestyle. Rachael Ray Nutrish dry cat food is a delicious way for your fur family to enjoy a homestyle meal. Made just-right size, the dry kibble is easy to chew and swallow without sacrificing the crisp, crunchy texture and big flavor cats crave. Using only the highest quality ingredients and never any poultry by-product meals or fillers, ground corn, added wheat or soy ingredients, artificial flavors or preservatives, you can feel as good serving this cat food as they do eating it up! And better yet, a portion of your dry cat food purchase will help support The Rachael Ray Foundation, which helps animals in need get the food, medical supplies, treatments, and more that they may need. Manufacturer Contact Information Ainsworth Pet Nutrition, LLC., 1 Strawberry Lane, Orrville 44667-0280
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