ecoclean Tar Never let tar get too far! Out of all the various messes and hazards to which our car is subjected, the 3 that are often agreed to be the worst of all of them are insect remains, road tar, and tree sap. These three contaminants are not only some of the most difficult to remove due to their incredibly adhesive nature, they are also some of the most damaging substances for your cars paint. In order to clean these resilient contaminates, you need an equally resilient cleaner. IGL Ecoclean Tar is one of the strongest, most effective cleaners you will find for removing the road tar, tree sap, and insect remains! Directions for use: - Always test the product first on an inconspicuous area to ensure color fastness. - Shake well prior to use. - Spray IGL ecoclean Tar directly onto the surface. - Allow the product 2-5 minutes to work on the surface. - Wipe the surface with a damp microfiber cloth.
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